
Monday, June 24, 2013

Project Pan

I have embarked on Project 100 Pan. Some of you might already be familiar with Project 10 Pan, but for those of you who are not, it is a challenge that was introduced by YouTuber Lollipop26. The concept of Project 10 Pan is that you finish 10 beauty products up completely before you can make any beauty purchases. For everyone P10P is different, some people will count deluxe sample sizes in their challenge, some will be very strict with what a "product" means. All in all, this challenge is meant to force beauty junkies to use what they have instead of looking for greener pastures. I have tried P10P a few times and like many beauty obsessed, I have used up my 10 products and have been so eager to purchase new products at the conclusion of my P10P that I have ended up purchasing 15+ products to "compensate" from my lack of spending. Am I crazy? Maybe a little. Was the end of P10P spending frenzy fun? HELL YES!


So you may be wondering, if I am only going to go out and buy more products then I used up, why am I bothering to do Project 100 Pan? I must be really crazy. Actually, Project 100 Pan has been really eyeopening and I finally feel free from impulse buying and frenzied shopping. Besides, I have way more products then the average girl can reasonably use before they go bad, so this needs to happen.

My personal rules for Project 100 Pan:

  • Full size products and deluxe samples are eligible for P100P. Some people do not like using deluxe samples as part of a Project Pan, but lets be realistic, using up products makes you feel good, so using up smaller products faster will make it not feel like it is dragging on for eternity.
  • Segment this challenge in smaller chunks to keep it from getting boring as hell. I personally do 20 products at a time.
  • When 20 products are complete, allow yourself to purchase 3 beauty items.YAY! CHEATING!
  • Use up stuff you love; not torture yourself by using shitty products that you hate. Before I started P100P I gave away products that were still good to a friend that I didn't like or that I knew I wouldn't use and then I threw away all of the products that had expired.
  • Shop your stash. You do not have to use one set of products until they are gone. Switching out products that you use daily will make this challenge seem more like you are still obtaining new products and less difficult.
  • Buy Limited Edition stuff occasionally. If I see a Limited Edition product that I really truly will use, then I go ahead and break P100P to purchase. 
  • Use up products that you love, but are near death. It really isn't the end of the world if you use it up, except if it is super special LE stuff. ;) You can always buy more when you finish a segment of P100P, and if you don't use it for one of your 3 items, then you must not have truly loved it.
These flexible rules have made it easier for me to stick to my Project 100 Pan. Because I am taking it in smaller chunks it is more manageable and does not feel like I am limiting myself. In the end, I will get rid of 100 products and only gain 15, thus yielding 85 less products than I started with! 


After that lengthy explanation, here is my progress:

I have just started round 4 of P100P! So currently I have used up 61 products since October 2012. Yeah, that number seems like a lot more than it felt like while I was using them. Next two posts will be my most recently used up products and what I bought in my end of round 3 haul. Exciting stuff people, exciting stuff.

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