
Sunday, June 23, 2013


I am never quite sure what to write in the first post of a new blog. It always seems like the chance of someone reading the first post is so small that there is no point to writing one. The only problem is if a first post is never written, then all of the following posts will never be written, so I guess I must trudge through this one. ;)  Every time I start a blog the hardest thing is naming it, and I suppose the second hardest is getting through the first post. I named this blog Blushees because it sounds incredibly cute to give someone the "blushees". I don't know, maybe that is too weird, oh well. (The name Blushees was generated by

I have started a beauty blog before, but abandoned it when my schedule was too busy and I was trying to make a blog that was not me. I think the 'me' part of the blog is what is most important, I do not enjoy writing content that is too mechanical and that does not allow me to be myself. I once again have decided to try a beauty blog. The key difference between this blog and the one I started a few years ago is that this content will be about my journey through the beauty world, my mission to find my perfect skincare routine, fix my skin problems, and use up the massive amounts of products that I have accumulated since I started watching beauty Youtubers such as Elle Fowler, Michele1218, Pixiwoo, and The Current Custom in 2008. I have since evolved from my beginnings of watching makeup videos as they were going out of style. 

I believe I am rather obsessed with beauty products and through the years I have become embarrassed by my hoard of products and the amount of money I have carelessly thrown down in the process.I believe makeup and beauty are a wonderful hobby and awesome for those who want to utilize their love of makeup for a job. I know I am not the only person in this boat, I imagine that there are thousands of girls and women that have fallen into the same trap as me. Can we really be to blame? Because I have started my journey of finding what products work for me and using the products that I have purchased rather than buying everything that any beauty guru recommends or features, I decided to start Blushees. I will get into how much is in  my "makeup collection" at a later date, but to be fair, its A LOT. I digress. Welcome all who want to follow me on this journey and maybe join me!

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